Kimberley (Lee)
I've been seeing, feeling and sensing spirit from a young age. Although it was not until my early thirties when both parents passed within months of each other, that my connection opened further.
Trusting my gift and those messages received was taught to me by respected mediums from across the world. Accepting this ability has allowed me to provide insight, clarity and closure for those I have had the privilege to read for.
For the past 20 years I have been giving evidence to clients that consciousness transcends death. Doing this through connecting them with those on the other side and by providing insight and guidance into my clients personal lives, past, present and future.
After many years working within the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie area as Readings by Lee, spirit still astonish me with their efforts to connect, bringing laughter and tears to those special to them. I’m grateful that my gift allows me to bring direction, peace and comfort.
Kimberley (Lee) x

Debbie has the ability to connect with loved ones who have crossed over to help bring closure and comfort to those left behind. Since Debbie has studied Spiritualism for close to 20 years she is able to draw on her spiritual understandings and teachings and give you valuable insight as to how the spirit world works. She will bring awareness as to how your loved ones communicate with you and highlight how you can make the connection for yourself at any given time.
Debbie uses her skills of Mediumship and Clair senses to tune into the world of spirit. The messages which come through are unique to the client which makes for a very personal reading.
During a reading Debbie has different abilities and insights but one she attunes to is reading the energetic field around people's aura. She believes by attuning to ones signature vibration the energetic field signals certain information to her as the reader.
From one's relationships, love life, career, family or a deceased loved one, Debbie is here to help you find that information taking you from a feeling of the unknown to a strong sense of calm and clarity.